• Kathy     休闲口语简单句②

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    休闲口语短句-Sports Meeting运动会篇


    Hi good morning everyone, today, let's see something about Sports Meeting!



    ①Our school will hold a sports meeting next Monday.
    ⛄* hold a sports meeting

    ②The annual sports meeting is an grand event in our University.
    ⛄* annual 一年的, 每年的 grand 盛大的

    ③The sports field has been marked out for the sports meeting.
    ⛄* mark out 规划,制定

    ④All of us calculate on having good weatherfor the sports day.
    ⛄* calculate on 指望,期待

    ⑤Her great height fits her quite well for team games.
    ⛄* fit sb. for sth. 使某人能适合某物

    ⑥He put himself in for the triple jump and throwing.
    ⛄* triple jump 三级跳远

    ⑦There will be a wonderful relay race tomorrow morning in the ground track field.
    ⛄* relay race 接力赛

    ⑧The planned sports meeting had to be put off because of the heavy rain.
    ⛄* put off 推迟,拖延, 延期

    ⑨I think that team sports can cultivate the players' team spirit as well as sense of collective honor.
    ⛄* cultivate V. 培养 collective Adj. 集体主义的, 共同的


    See you next time!

    1970-01-01   36赞       1踩       934浏览 评论(9)


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