• 柯柯魔     我喜欢的莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的电影

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    So, Leonardo DiCaprio has won a Golden Globe award for best actor again, making this his third win, but still no Oscar. That is a shame, because he is an extremely talented actor, and one of my favorites. So, in honor of him, and in hopes that his can win the Oscars next month, I want to list my favorite Leonardo DiCaprio films!

    Catch Me if You Can逍遥法外

    Leo plays Frank Abagnale, a kid who becomes a very skilled con-artist. He moves from one town to the next, playing different roles such as a pilot, a doctor, and even a lawyer, while making fake checks. He does a great job, and this is the first movie I really liked him in.

    Blood Diamond血钻

    Leo now plays Danny Archer, a Rhodesian (罗得西亚人,现代的津巴布韦) gunrunner (军火走私贩) who helps a local in Sierra Leone find a diamond to save his family. Listening to Leo in this movie, he sounds like he is really a white African, and he really acts like a cold killer.

    Shutter Island禁闭岛

    Leo is Teddy Daniels, a US Marshall (美国法警)sent to a missing patient at an psychiatric hospital (精神科医院), all is not what it seems. The mystery deepens, and Leonardo does an amazing job as a special policeman who watches as the case unravels into something bigger, all while reality seems to fall apart around him.

    The Aviator 飞行者

    Leo portrays Howard Hughes, one of the richest men in US history who had several business ventures. While the movie has no real plot, I think this is Leonardo DiCaprio’s best work. In the movie, you are not watching an actor, you are really watching Howard Hughes!

    These are a few of my favorite Leonardo DiCaprio films. Which are your favorite films? Thanks for reading!

    One day.................

    Want to know how o pronounce his name perfectly? Check this out!

    1970-01-01   83赞       5踩       20453浏览 评论(26)
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