• Impromptuuu     节目都上30了 写写林漫威和他的宝宝《汉密尔顿》吧

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    上次我们说到音乐剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)明年秋天要去伦敦西区演出了 但黄牛票泛滥让老麦hin生气

    而今天 百老汇《汉密尔顿》的芝加哥分团刚演完第一场

    为了告诉芝加哥的兄弟姐妹们Hamily的大家都是相亲相爱的一家人 百老汇剧组特意录了一份迷之走位气氛欢腾的视频🙌

    但这个视频实在是... 太晕了 晕到只能截出这一张比较清晰的镜头↓

    🌚嗯... 自行体会 B站上有完整视频大家可以搜一搜... 叫 —— 音乐剧《汉密尔顿》网络乐💛透秀“We are Hamily”


    这部音乐剧实在是太火了 之前的节目里也提来着 林聚聚自己都买不着票

    而且故事也特别 讲的是美国的“Ten-Dollar Founding Father”亚历山大·汉密尔顿的故事


    所以这个音乐剧被大家改来改去我一点儿都不意外 ╮(╯_╰)╭

    比如 比较正常的有Peter Hollens的阿卡贝拉版 里面的英王和原版小乔一样萌萌哒 随手一截都是表情包

    还有由美国聋人女子排球队队长Sarah Tubert演绎的美国手语(ASL)版

    后来美国大选就开始了 也不知道是谁影响的谁 反正画风就不可抑制地跑偏了...


    对 不要怀疑 这个剧真的公开上演了…🌚

    还有喜剧演员Allison Lynn Kramer的改编 目测川普要恨死这个剧了😀

    听不懂歌词别担心 可爱的我决定给大家贴出来 ↓ 💛

    How does a fake-tanned, racist, son of a bitch and a
    Sexist, plopped in the middle of a
    Gilded spot from an escalator by arrogance
    False member of the GOP
    Rise up to be their fuckin' nominee?

    The 10 dollar (with extra zeros) “self-starter”
    Got ahead by standing on the shoulders of another
    By being crafty
    Dodging the drafty
    By 25, gave thousands of New York tenants the shafty.

    And everyday while illegals were building his towers for hours
    Across tv land a new craze, his life entered a new phase
    As a boss, he was provin’ that he’d be really quite a doozy
    Ordering around intellectual giants like Gary Busey

    Then he took the debate stage and ties began to sever
    He saw an anchor’s blood drip, dripping from wherever
    Out of his birther mouth, hot air is always shootin’
    For his next mail-order bride, he should pick Vladimir Putin

    Well the news spread around, they said, “This problem’s grown, fuck!”
    Gonna build wall, for Mexico the payment’s gonna suck
    Ban all the Muslims, keep Christians for some Jesus luck
    A schmuck. What’s a word for a con man run amok?

    Trump and I’m a business man
    Not a corrupt politician
    I’m America’s most privileged son
    And I’ll make it great really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really really, really, really, really, really great…believe me

    The news at 10 said the GOP split, sick of his shit
    Two months later, see Trump not care that a protester got hit
    Piss him off, he’ll give you a nick name that’s his schtick
    (At one debate, he even talked about his dick!)

    Moved on through caucuses, primaries they were on his side
    Left Conservatives scratching their heads, contemplatin' cyanide
    Pundits saying
    “No one could be this dumb”
    Late night tweetin’ and retweetin’ every racist with a thumb

    This wouldn’t’ve happened at all
    With strong establishment
    Their chance to end him came and went
    Without a show of resolution
    Late respondin’, callin’ for supporters to have a soul
    Laughin’ Trump was chowin’ on a Trump Tower taco bowl
    Scammed his party, scammin’ us - where are his tax returns?
    Oh, you don’t give to charity, what else are we gonna learn?
    A real shifty guy, much more than just a meanie
    We’re looking for a president, not another Mussolini

    But we can stop him, yes we can
    We can stop him, yes we can
    We can stop him, yes we can
    In November
    On November 8!!!!

    Vote for Hillary Clinton
    She’s been fighting her whole life for you
    She will never give up, and now it is really her TIME!!!!
    Oh, vote for Hillary Clinton
    Millenials, she loves you
    I know that you felt the Bern
    But Trump’s a lesson we must not learn

    Or else…our world will be insane

    Oh, It’s all up to us right now
    The ones who have to stop him
    This country’s made of immigrants, guess no one ever taught ‘em
    Supreme Court in the balance, leave it to Hillary Rodham

    Me, I got sued by him
    Me, I got sued by him
    Me, I got sued by him
    Me, I got sued by him
    Wait wait wait wait wait. Did anyone not get sued by him?

    There's a million ways America is
    Already great!

    Take a stand and
    Vote for Hillary Clinton!

    ————歌词 Fin————


    比如它最开始是去白宫演出过的 而且听得奥巴马hin开心

    (对你没看错 奥巴马确实和后座fist bump来着😐)

    而最近为了鼓励美国人民赶紧投票 《汉密尔顿》还把自己的Ham4Ham搞成了Ham4Vote

    10月17日 林聚聚和在剧中饰演大姐的Renee还出席了一场名为“Stronger Together”的活动(为给希拉里选举集资办的活动,休叔也去了),并改编了剧中的曲目“Ten Duel Commandments”


    所以林聚聚就像现在这么火了... 到处参加活动赶场表演作曲即兴rap



    而在迪士尼的新电影《海洋奇缘》(Moana)中也有林聚聚为电影作的曲 所以宣传肯定也少不了聚聚
    比如最近的友情提示 —— 看电影的时候不要玩儿手机 ↓



    Anyway 😀

    《Alexander Hamilton》(视频选自格莱美颁奖礼Live)

    如果你还不知道这个音乐剧在讲些啥 听完这首终极剧透大概就懂了...

    说到终极剧透 其实《理发师陶德》的“The Ballad of Sweeney Todd”也透得厉害
    但人家没说结局啊!!He wouldn't want us to give it away啊!!🌚🌚🌚


    因为这部音乐剧 一个不那么知名却对美国很重要的历史人物——亚历山大·汉密尔顿为人所熟知 虽然其中的部分剧情比如Angelica还有个哥哥之类的和史实有出入 但并不影响大家通过这部剧学习历史 而电视台也借着这个机会趁热打铁 在PBS秋季档的《Great Performances》系列节目里加入了纪录片《Hamilton's America》 讲述这部音乐剧的创作并探寻历史上真实的汉密尔顿

    这部纪录片在不久前的第54届纽约电影节上进行了全球首播 买不到票还看不见官摄的宝宝只能等着看纪录片了 虽然我知道你们wanna be in the room where it happens🌝

    1970-01-01   45赞       2踩       2578浏览 评论(59)
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