• 宁檬不萌·     万圣节来了,祝大家万圣节快乐!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    Hello, 小伙伴们!10 月底有一个激动人心的西方节日是什么嘞?Bingo!是万圣节!


    Anyway,祝大家明天的圣诞节玩的愉快!Have a good time!~\(≧▽≦)/~

    But if you do not know some of the customs of Halloween, how can we enjoy the fun tomorrow? 但是如果泥们不知道有关于万圣节的一些习俗,怎能在明天玩的开心呢!

    Let me check for you popularization of the origin of Halloween and interesting customs!^ω^

    Halloween History, Origin and Customs

    Halloween is the one of the oldest holidays still celebrated today.It's one of the most popular holidays, second only to Christmas. 万圣节是当今人们仍在庆祝的最古老的节日之一,它也是最受欢迎的节日之一,仅次于圣诞节。

    While millions of people celebrate Halloween without knowing its origins and myths, the history and facts of Halloween make the holiday more fascinating. 虽然数百万的人在欢庆万圣节的时候并不了解它的起源与传说,但是万圣节的历史与真相让这个节日更加动人心魄。

    Some people view Halloween as a time for fun, putting on costumes, trick-or-treating, and having theme parties. Others view it as a time of superstitions, ghosts, goblins and evil spirits that should be avoided at all costs 对于一些人来说,万圣节意味着搞怪作乐、“不给糖就捣蛋”和主题派对。另一些人认为万圣节象征着迷信、鬼魂、精灵和恶魔,而这些都是人们避之不及的东西。

    . As the Christian debate goes on, celebrating Halloween is a preference that is not always viewed as participating in an evil holiday. Halloween is often celebrated with no reference to pagan rituals or the occult. 基督徒对万圣节存有争议,但是对于人们来说,万圣节和邪恶的节日并没有什么关系。人们庆祝万圣节的时候并不会想到异教仪式或神秘的东西。

    Halloween History 万圣节的历史


    有一个赞美秋天的盛大节日,从10月31日的午夜到次日11月1日,持续整整一天。 Halloween was originally a compliment to the fall of the holiday, it is like the May Festival is the same as the praise of the spring. Ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland priest - Druid a praise of Autumn Festival, from October 31st to November 1st at midnight the next day, lasted for a day.

    他们认为,在那天晚上他们伟大的死神——萨曼把那年死去人的鬼魂统统召来,这些恶鬼要受到托生为畜类的惩罚。当然,只要想到这种鬼魅的聚会,就足以令当时那些头脑简单的愚民胆战心惊了。 They believe that their great death that night - Salman to that year of dead people called ghost all these evil spirits as the livestock health care should be punished. Of course, as long as the thought of such a gathering of ghosts, was enough to make simple minded fools who tremble with fear.

    于是他们点起冲天的篝火,并严密监视这些恶鬼。万圣节前夜到处有女巫和鬼魂的说法就是这么开始的。至今在欧洲某些与世隔绝的地区,还有人相信这是真的。 So they lit up the fire, and close surveillance of these evil spirits. The idea that witches and ghosts are all around Halloween. So far in some of the world's isolated regions in Europe, there are people who believe that this is true.

    说实在的,我是觉得 万圣节的服装 真好看!

    万圣节的服装起源于恶作剧,大人带孩子一起出门(一般是大人驾车停在路边,小孩说:“不给糖,就捣蛋(trick or treat)的游戏。大人事先要求孩子只许去门口有节日布置的并点了灯的人家,否则不许打扰。另外讨糖过程中必须始终站在大门口等待,不许进屋,讨回的糖也要交给大人检查后才许吃。对接待孩子的人家也要求不给自家制作的食品,也不给未包装的食品。

    万圣节的服装,万人万相,不只是单调的大鬼小鬼。制作最简单的鬼服就用一张白床单顶在头上,抠两个洞留出眼睛;若要扮演魔术师,就穿上黑衣黑裤,再戴上黑礼帽,并在礼帽与头顶之间藏一只绒毛小兔备用;小孩穿上白衣白裤,再在背后绑一个手电筒在头上就打扮成了小天使;也有家长把孩子打扮成他们喜欢的卡通形象的。 Children wear white trousers, and then tied a flashlight in the head on the dress up into a little angel; there are parents to the children dressed as their favorite cartoon image of the.



    JACK死后,其灵魂却既不能上天堂又不能下地狱,于是他的亡灵只好靠一根小蜡烛照着指引他在天地之间倘佯。 在古老的爱尔兰传说里,这根小蜡烛是在一根挖空的萝卜里放着,称作“JACK LANTERNS”,而古老的萝卜灯演变到今天,则是南瓜做的Jack-O-Lantern了。据说爱尔兰人到了美国不久,即发现南瓜不论从来源和雕刻来说都比萝卜更胜一筹,于是南瓜就成了万圣节的宠儿。ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷~

    Trick or Treating

    The custom of trick or treating evolved in Ireland, centuries ago. In preparation for All Hollow's Eve, the the poor would call upon the rich folks and request money, gifts and food. The food was gathered for a huge feast and celebration.




    sugar<br>"Trick or treat" Halloween candy, the most classic is orange, brown and black packaging, with other ghosts mostly, however, the traditional nature and Never mind candy.


    Pumpkin<br>Pumpkin pie in the south of the United States is the most common food in winter, Halloween is more suitable. In addition to pumpkin pie, pumpkin seeds are also common festival snacks.



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